June 15, 2016

20160614 집밥 백선생 브런치 팬케이크 레시피 다시보기 동영상 Home Food Rescue S2 ep. 13 Brunch Pancake Recipe Videos

20160614 집밥 백선생 브런치 팬케이크 레시피 다시보기 동영상 Home Food Rescue S2 ep. 13 Brunch Pancake Recipe Videos

[Home Food Rescue S2 집밥 백선생 시즌2]
Channel - tvN 티비엔
Airdate - June 14, 2016
Episode - 13
Theme - Brunch 브런치
Home Food Master - Mr. Baek Jongwon 백종원
Students - Kim Kookjin 김국진. Lee Jonghyuk 이종혁. Jang Dongmin 장동민. Jung Joonyoung 정준영

[Home Food Rescue S2 videos from Naver TVcast]

Catch women’s hearts! Making Mr. Baek’s brunch.
여심 저격! ′백선생 브런치′ 만들기

Without oven! Secret recipe of Italian omelet ‘frittata’
오븐 없이 만든다! 이탈리아 오믈렛 ′프리타타′ 비법!

How to bake tasty pancake. Mr. Baek teaches that.
팬케이크 맛있게 굽는 법, 백선생이 알려드립니다!

To make pancake syrub at home.
팬케이크 시럽, 집에서 만드는 비법은?

Highly recommended! Here goes Baekmorning which is as good as Macmorning.
강추! 맥도널드 뺨치는 ′백모닝′ 나갑니다!

Use of remained paste of pancake. ‘ttukbaegi bread’
남은 팬케이크도 다시 보자! ′뚝배기빵′


Catch women’s hearts! Making Mr. Baek’s brunch

Without oven! Secret recipe of Italian omelet ‘frittata’

How to bake tasty pancake. Mr. Baek teaches that.

Here goes Baekmorning which is much better Macmorning.

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